Five people, seven days, one bathroom

Summer '08

Family vacations get a little weird as the kids get older. Each time we’re together, I wonder how long it’ll be until the next one. With Kid1 at UBC, Kid2 at UFV and Kid3 heading to high school next year, our schedule has changed. No more easy-going years of un-schooling, when waited until our favourite spots emptied as the great unwashed masses headed back to the September routine. And when we could live for a week in a two-bedroom, one-bathroom cabin. Now we juggle a lot of different agendas and we all need our space. ESPECIALLY bathroom space.

Gone are the days in the rustic little cabin right on the beach; we’ve moved up, to the big ones with hot tubs and DVD players and two full baths. But it’s so worth it. It’s very gratifying when our young adult children choose to spend time with us.

Also… about those early years of homeschooling being so easy-going… that was tongue-in-cheek… that came through, right? Parenting truly isn’t for weaklings, and homeschooling requires a very special sort of masochism.

But now, at almost the end of it, I wouldn’t change a thing. Our kids are the greatest.

Love Notes from the Lake

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