Were the stars all aligned just right? Did I have the perfect balance of carbs, protein and caffeine in my system, with the correct amount of digestion time prior to class?

I don’t know, but my practice was a breeze today. Balance was good, I almost got my frickin’ right knee straight in Standing Head to Knee, Camel was no problem and there was less snap-crackle-pop in my joints than usual.

I’m two-thirds through the 30 day challenge, and I can see the end of the tunnel. I haven’t lost an ounce probably because, well, you know… pie. But I’m so ripped I should be on the cover of some muscle magazine. You know, the one for middle-aged mothers with delusions of grandeur.

So I went home afterwards and got out the pick-ax, spade, rake, secateurs and gloves, and went to work on my 5-years-and-counting, take-no-prisoners landscaping project. The dogs and I enjoyed a couple of hours of sweaty outdoors time.

I’m such an idiot. I wasn’t sore from yoga. But now I’m sore from gardening.

Love Notes from the Lake

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