I was a late adopter of the whole digital-reader thing. Reluctant to learn a new technology, just to read a “book” that could lose power and leave me stranded before I was ready to turn out the light! Reluctant to further strain my pathetic eyes. Reluctant to give in, and let my own stories go into the ether of last resort.
Boy was I wrong. Here’s why:
1) I love my Kobo! The charge lasts forever, and gives me lots of warning when it does get low. The eye-friendly e-Ink technology is no tougher on my eyes than a paper-book. In fact, it might be easier, because I can adjust the font size. Plus, books like Game of Thrones and The Passage no longer leave me with an aching wrist!
2) Not only do I love reading on an e-reader, being published in digital-first format is the most exciting experience of my writing life. What I once thought of as giving in is, in fact, launching my career to a whole new level.
3) Going digital doesn’t mean giving up “real” books! (See below) Did paperbacks kill hard-cover copies? No. It’s just another format option, with (usually) a friendlier price-point.
And finally, the best part of digital books: the BUY NOW button! From the comfort of your bed, while your spouse snores beside you. No waiting to start the next in the series, no panic over not having exactly the right book for your mood.
BUY. NOW. <click>
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